Known issues  and feature requests.

As with every device there are always some hardware and software issues. We would like to gather alle information so we can make an update that can be tested thoroughly.  (We like to have some additional beta testers for this).


If you have found something that does not work properly, or if you have a good idea to implement in the software, or a future version of the hardware let us know HERE 


Known Issues. (based on software version 1.6)  

* Upon playback one can choose Heterodyne in "Direct playback mode" but it is not easy to change the frequency. You need to first press the encoder, select frequency, press again and than rotate to change the frequency.

* 16MB WAV file, "error" on opening file.

(This is not a software issue, the detector simply switched off during recording. You just did that yourself or failed to recharge the battery in time).


Requests. (no guarantees on implementation in the future)

These "Requests" are ideas people mentioned, displayed here so I do not forget and you do not need to bring it in again.

* Playback file "browser" with folder and filenames display of multiple files.

* Playback of most recent recording by a single button (long) press of added button.