Welcome to my Teensybat page. I am Edwin Houwertjes an enthusiastic electronics hobbyist working with the TeensyBat, a Teensy based d.i.y. bat detector for a few years now. (Teensy is a development board made by PJRC) It takes up a lot of my free time but this device is too much fun to keep just for myself.
I hope the help you build a detector like this TeensyBat using the information on this website.

New PCB's available. (version1.0)
I designed a second version of the Teensy 4.1 based PCB. There is some space for a second microphone amplifier, specially for the people that want to play with the software and create a stereo version. The normal TeensyBat can be built with this PCB as usual, but the mic-in also connects to the line-in left signal, The extra TL972 opamp (IC3) can be placed to create the line-in right signal with the input pin next to the 3 microphone pads. This is not a stereo version!. It just holds extra parts for people that want to try and write a stereo version of the software. The part numbering changed a bit but building it is exactly the same as the earlier PCB since all SMD parts are already mounted on the printed circuit board.
The board had evolved to a newer version that does not use a coincell battery anymore to keep the clock running.

I did release the design and production files for the Teensy 3.6 based version, I'll keep these Teensy 4.1 based files for my self.
Why Teensy 4.1? Well a huge advantage is the extra memory we can mount. It will give you a nice prerecord buffer that allows you to store about 4 seconds of sound that you just heard.
Keywords: bat, detector, batdetector, vleermuis, vleermuisdetector, teensy, time expansion, heterodyne, frequency division, frequentiedeler, ultrasoon, spu0410lr5h, spu0410lr5h-qb, zelfbouw, diy, homebrew, spectrogram, waterval, waterfall, classify,
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Thank you very much for making this beautiful project possible! you have created something very beautiful! and very easy to assemble with the instructions! And support!
I am from india, interested in bat research and conservation ,looking for bat detector and species specific ultrasonic sound frequency mesurment. i want to know that can i use it successfully for indian bat species detection and frequency mesurment
Interested in a kit!
I'd like to purchase a few of these kits. What do they cost?
I just built mine- now all I need is a bat! Edwin and Cor are a pleasure to work with.
Thanks for sharing Edwin, this is a wonderful advanced bat detector. As an experienced constructor, I made a schoolboy error by not fully reading the instructions. My mistake was easily corrected but it would have been a completely trouble-free build if I'd followed Edwin's excellent instructions!!
My simple advice is to read the instructions thoroughly before you start.
Just built the v0.8 kit, works really well. Detected bats in my garden on first night of autorecord use. Thanks so much for sharing.
This is not really the place to start any discussion but to answer Toby, please check the backup battery. The cheap one euro stores often sell batteries that run out quickly but you wille end op with an empty back-up battery eventually someday and have to replace it. That is why the battery is in a socket, to be replaced quite easily. If your battery stil is fine (3V) check if that 3V still ends up at that single pin on the teensy (next to the long row of pins) .
About software for analysis, please have a look here, there is a nice list https://chirovox.org/resources_software.php
All free versions have limited functions, and demo's usually work one month. In that list I am missing the BTO Acoustic pipeline.
I built one (PCB 0.7) last christmas and have been using it quite a bit now the bats are out!. Followed build instructions carefully and it worked right out the box! The only issue I have is that the date / time does not survive power off / on cycle, so I have to reset each time. Currently using https://www.batlogger.com/en/products/batexplorer/ to analyse the bat recodings which is great, what do other people use?